Another Reflection on Happiness

Almost a couple of months ago now I wrote a blog about happiness. I wrote about true inner happiness that did not necessarily depend on outside circumstances. On reflection, I think that the happiness I was feeling then WAS actually based on what was going on in my life at the time… although I couldn’t see this. I was in a new relationship and I thought that all my Christmas’ had come at once. I was feeling incredibly happy. On the way to work, during work, pretty much all day I was happy. But there was also fear involved. Fear of…. When will he text me again? Will this be taken away from me? This my dear friend is not true happiness. It is dependent on certain factors and conditional.

When this relationship did end… I felt lost. I felt let down and sad. For a little while anyway. Until I deepened my spiritual practice my spiritual beliefs and now, I truly know what it feels like… to be unconditionally happy… and free. What a miracle and incredible lesson to learn.

This sort of happiness is the kind of happiness that comes from realising that everything is already in perfect form. I surrender my problems and concerns to the universe and allow spiritual guidance to direct my path and show me the way forward. We can not depend on someone else to be our source of happiness. We must find that within ourselves. And only then can we be guided and supported to get to where we want and need to be. These books by Gabrielle Bernstein have really opened my eyes and my heart and soul, to living in a different way. My own happiness has now become my full-time job, it is after all our birthright to experience happiness, plus ever-present feelings of peace and joy.

I have prioritized this spiritual growth because it inherently affects every other part of my life, and my day to day experience of life. Since I have started to deeply surrender to the wisdom and power of the universe, I have naturally found a new equilibrium. I am happy, peaceful and joyful. And I bring that energy to each and every interaction with the people in my life and my clients. I trust that I am moving in the right direction, and that the universe will guide me and show me the way forward, towards my highest good and my deepest desires.

I think we can all learn from this experience. I think most of us would say that they are happy, because they have a, b, or c in their lives. This is fine, and it is true that we all have things in our lives that are blessings… and things that help us to be happy. And it is important to feel gratitude for these things. But fear is always looming in the sense that…. What if one of these things was to be taken away? True happiness comes from relinquishing our control over our circumstances. The more we try to control things, the more rooted in fear we become.

If we let go and simply allow things to be and surrender our will and our concerns… We can truly and sustainably tap into the love and peace and joy that is our birthright, and that is available to us in every moment. What blocks us from experiencing that love, peace, and joy, is our need to control, and essentially our fear and our fear based beliefs.

Allow your fear to fade away, and instead find unwavering faith in the higher power that is the universe. It has your back, every step of the way. All we have to do is get out of the way and let it do its thing.

Love Kate xxx

Author: Kate.Purcell

I am a passionate survivor of mental illness and I strive to help others on their own personal journeys of recovery. I also am passionately driven to reduce stigma in society through writing and speaking.

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